نبذة مختصرة : The proportion of disabled children in developing countries is generally higher than in developed countries. It is estimated that 6 to 10% of children in India are born disabled. A child who determined to require special attention is Special Children. Children with multiple disabilities associated with impairments of sensory, motor, physical, socio emotional, behaviour and cognitive domains known as “Cerebral palsy” There are many physical disabilities that can affect children. But cerebral palsy is the most common mental disability in childhood. However, modern drugs can be said to partially fulfil desirable requirements to some extent. It is in the context that we have undertaken a review of the Siddha formulation which could help management of CP. Great efforts have to be made to find out the alternate Siddha medicines and methodologies to improve the life style of special children with cerebral palsy. Siddha literature suggested Sagalavatha Chooranam as internal, Kurunthotti thylam for Thokkanam with Varmam and Vazhuluvai Thylam for oil bath to treat Vadha disease. Hence, the study was undertaken to evaluate the combined management of internal medicine and external therapies for the management of special children with spastic cerebral palsy. Biochemical Qualitative analysis of trial drug was done in Biochemistry laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. The Biochemical analysis of trial medicine shows presence of calcium, magnesium, aluminium, sulphate, zinc, alkaloids phenol, hydro quinine and tannic acid. Preclinical studies of Sagalavatha Chooranam was done in The Nobel research solutions, Chennai. Loss of drying at 105C was found to be 6.633 ± 1.05. The total ash in Sagalavatha Chooranam found to be 5.267 ± 1.25 and the acid insoluble ash to be 0.2 ± 0.02. The water soluble extract value of Sagalavatha Chooranamis 28.43 ± 5.14 and the alcohol soluble extractive is 25.37 ± 4.25. The Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of Alkaloids, Quinones, Diterpenes, ...
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