نبذة مختصرة : Universitetsstudenter har ofta ett riskabelt alkoholbeteende ochupplever depressiva symtom under studietiden, vilket kan ha svårakonsekvenser. Förklaringarna till alkoholkonsumtion blanduniversitetsstudenter har ofta fokuserat på studenters motivation tillsocialisering med andra studenter. Litteraturen har också fokuserat påförstaårsstudenters övergångsfas i förklaringarna till depression.Denna studie involverade 117 universitetsstudenter i ett medelstortsvenskt universitet. Studiens huvudsyfte var att undersöka omstudenter som bytte ort för att studera dricker mer alkohol ochupplever flera depressiva symtom än studenter som studerar i sinhemort. Resultatet visar på en betydande skillnad i alkoholkonsumtionmellan de två grupperna, vilket tyder på ett samband mellan flyttenfrån hemorten och alkoholkonsumtion. ; University students have often a risky alcohol behaviour andexperience depressive symptoms during their studies, which can haveserious consequences. Explanations to why college students drinkalcohol have often focused on the students’ social motivations. Theliterature has also focused on first-year university students’ being in atransitional phase in their lives when explaining their experience ofdepressive symptoms. This study involved 117 university students at amiddle-sized Swedish university. The main purpose of this study wasto investigate if students who moved from their home districts in orderto attend college drink more alcohol and experience more depressivesymptoms than university students who study in their home district.The result of this study shows a significant difference in alcoholconsumption between the two groups, which indicates a relationshipbetween moving from one’s home district and drinking alcohol.
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