نبذة مختصرة : obesity affects rightly functional capacity diminishing the cardiovascular system efficiency and oxygen uptake (VO2). Field tests, such as, Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT) and Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) has been employed as alternative of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPX), to functional assessing for conditions which transport of oxygen to peripheral is diminished. Nevertheless, the knowing about metabolic variables response in real time and it comparing among different maximal and submaximal tests in obese is absent. Aim: to compare cardiopulmonary, metabolic response during CPX, ISWT and 6MWT and to analyse it influence of adiposity markers in obese. Material e Method: crosssectional, prospective study. Obese included if: (BMI>30Kg/m2; FVC>80%), were assessed as clinical, anthropometric (BMI, body adiposity index-BAI, waist-WC, hip- HC and neck-NC circumferences) and spirometry (forced vital capacity-FVC, Forced expiratory volume-1°second-FEV1, maximal voluntary ventilation-MVV) variables. Obese performed the sequence of tests: CPX, ISWT and 6MWT. Throughout tests was assessed breath-by-breath by telemetry system (Cortex-Biophysik-Metamax3B) variables; oxygen uptake on peak of activity (VO2peak); carbon dioxide production (VCO2); Volume Expiratory (VE); ventilatory equivalents for VO2 (VE/VO2) and CO2 (VE/VCO2); respiratory exchange rate (RER) and perceived effort-Borg6-20). Results: 15 obese (10women) 39.4+10.1years, normal spirometry (%CVF=93.7+9.7) finished all test. They have BMI (43.5+6.6kg/m2) and different as %adiposity (BAI=50.0+10.5% and 48.8+16.9% respectively women and men). Difference of VO2ml/kg/min and %VO2 were finding between CPX (18.6+4.0) and 6MWT (13.2+2.5) but not between ISWT (15.4+2.9). Agreement was found for ISWT and CPX on VO2Peak (3.2ml/kg/min; 95%; IC-3.0 9.4) and %VO2 (16.4%). VCO2(l/min) confirms similarity in production for CPX (2.3+1.0) and ISWT (1.7+0.7) and difference for 6MWT (1.4+0.6). WC explains more the response of CPX and ISWT than other adiposity ...
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