نبذة مختصرة : This research aims to find out the implementation of balance scorecard and key performance indicator on customer service employee productivity. Participants of this study were customer service employees. This method of research is qualitative. Data collection techniques by means of observation, documentation, and interviews. Qualitative data analysis used includes the stages of data analysis is data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The research concluded that the implementation of Balance Scorecard and Key performance indicator as a Productivity Meter for Customer Service Employees in Larissa Aesthetic Center has been good. This can be proven by the increase in Rupiah Revenue from MVG Customer service in 2019 amounting to Rp. 2,201,831,000. A customer perspective, calculated based on customer retention, shows that the customer retention has increased by 0.7 %. Thus, it can be concluded, that a customer perspective as measured by customer retention is good. This research has contributed to uncovering the influence of Balanced Scorecard on the design of performance management systems in companies and non-profit organizations that are beneficial for corporate evaluation and academic studies. For further research it is recommended, that it extends the observation period by comparison between years, using different organizations or companies, and as well as the addition of research variables.
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