نبذة مختصرة : This research is aimed to use extracted substances from sawdust of ulin for meubet coating. Extraction and fractionation used the solvent of methanol, n hexan, diethyl ether, ethyl ace tat and hot water with the concentration of 1 %, 2 %, 4 % and % respectively. The meubel Is made of rubber wood. By application of the meubel will increase. The highesl yield of fractination was achieved by 51,05 % of ethyl acetate and it will inhibit the growth of fungi about 89,09 %. The result of phytochemical test showed thai the solvent of dlethyl ether and ethyl acetate can isolate the most of bioactive compound like alkanoid, saponin, tripenoid and flavonoid. These bioactive compound gives cotor appearence and durability to the coaling product. The results also showed that the bigger concentration resulted in the bigger retention and pene/ratlon of the extract. In case of extraction with hot water and 2 % of concentrate gave maximum retention and penetration of 4 %.
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