Contributors: University of Guelph; Trenaman, George C.; Hutchings, C. D.; Ruhnke, G. N.; Dryden, John; Pirnie, J.; Love, Frank L.; Newbould, F. S.; Smith, Phyllis; McLaren, G. C.; Barrett, A. E.; McTaggart, A. C.; Hall, W. W.; Appleton, J. M.; Northmore, N. S.; Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
نبذة مختصرة : This issue begins with an editorial regarding the success of the Short Course. The Short Course provides men and women the opportunity to visit the College and investigate if they are interested in attending the College full-time. Agricultural articles pertain to the agricultural potential of Northern Ontario, Dr. Christie's address at Purdue University, Australian agriculture, and wages for English farm workers. Campus news reports the Christmas examination results, the results of the student livestock judging teams, and the athletic endeavors. A student shares a reminiscence of Old Johnston Hall and the various extracurricular activities held there. The Alumni Record provides alumni news. One alumni quipped about the Portico "the four pillars represent four long years at the College and the door leads to nowhere". The Macdonald Institute column comments on the annual Senior Party, the women's basketball games, and student activities. ; Editorial ; Agriculture in New Ontario ; The livestock team at Chicago ; The meat team at Chicago ; Good Old Johnston ; Scientific agriculture ; Dr. Christie addresses Purdue Conference ; From the land of Southern Cross ; Exchange scholarships offered to students ; The English farm worker's wages ; Alumni record ; Macdonald news ; The W. C. Blackwood Trophy ; O. A. C. sportsfolio ; Results of Christmas examinations, 1934 ; The tail of a monkey ; Canada's National Poultry Breeding Programme ; advertising
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