نبذة مختصرة : Ideja ovog rada je izračunom potrošnje LoRaWAN gatewaya, Raspberry Pi računala, i prijenosnog Hotspot uređaja izabrati optimalni solarni panel koji će napajati sustav. Objasnit će se LoRaWAN tehnologija, solarni paneli i Raspberry Pi, te prikazati analiza potrošnje sustava. ; The goal of this work is to calculate the power consuption of LoraWan gateway, RaspberryPi and Hotspot device and choose the optimal solar panel for it further operations. After calcuation the system will be realised using LoraWan gateway, Solar cell and Raspberry PI. All elements that has been used to realize system will be explained. Also the calcuation of power consuption will be presented.
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