نبذة مختصرة : Introduction. There is an abundance of various methods of surgical treatment in the world, which include: classical tonsillectomy (TE), shaver TE, unipolar and bipolar bilateral TE, laser TE, palatine tonsil coblation, etc. However, there is still a risk of recurrence of chronic tonsillitis after TE there is a need for a study in the late postoperative period.Purpose of the study. Improving the efficiency of surgical treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis based on the analysis of five main methods of surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis according to clinical and laboratory criteria.Materials and methods. Patients were divided into 5 study groups depending on the method of tonsillectomy: The first group consisted of 60 patients after classical tonsillectomy. In the second group there were 55 patients after palatine tonsil coblation. The third group included 48 patients after laser tonsillectomy. The fourth group consisted of 64 patients after tonsillectomy using the surgitron apparatus. The fifth group consisted of 58 patients after microdebrider tonsillectomy.Results. By analysis, it was found that the best results were obtained in patients of the 1st group, who underwent classical tonsillectomy. In this group, there are fewer cases of subjective and objective clinical symptoms (sore throat, signs of subatrophic pharyngitis, hypertrophy of the lateral folds of the pharynx, remnants of the lymphoid tissue of the palatine tonsils, as well as postoperative cicatricial changes). In a laboratory study, patients of the 1st group had the lowest values of the indicators (ASL-O titer, CRP and DNase B levels, negative results of the Streptatest). ; Введение. В мире существует обилие разнообразных методик хирургического лечения, к которым относятся: классическая тонзиллэктомия (ТЭ), шейверная ТЭ, монополярная и биполярная двусторонняя ТЭ, лазерная ТЭ, коблация небных миндалин и др. Однако сих пор сохраняется риск рецидива хронического тонзиллита после ТЭ, ввиду этого назревает необходимость проведение ...
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