نبذة مختصرة : Literacy does not only include reading and writing skills, but also critical thinking skills, creativity, and access to information that is important for participation in national development. In Indonesia, although efforts to improve literacy continue to be made, the challenges of schools in rural areas, especially underdeveloped villages, are still great. Many students in this area have limited access to books and other reading materials due to limited library facilities, for example, Kedung State Elementary School located in Cirumpak Village, Tangerang Regency. In response to this condition, students and lecturers from Bina Bangsa University, through the Student Work Lecture program in collaboration with the local Education and Culture Office, presented a mobile library at the school. The community service method was carried out in several steps, starting from identifying schools that lack library facilities, assessing needs, coordinating with related agencies, to evaluation. The results of the activity evaluation showed that the level of student satisfaction reached 85.56% and the impact of the activity was 81.67%. As many as 75.0% of teachers and schools acknowledged that this activity program could support the teaching and learning process in the classroom. And 82.99% of respondents considered it necessary to continue this activity program by increasing the frequency of visits to the mobile library and adding the number and variety of books to suit the curriculum. This evaluation is the basis for developing activity programs so that they can be adapted by other schools. ; Literasi tidak hanya mencakup kemampuan membaca dan menulis, tetapi juga kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreativitas, dan akses terhadap informasi yang penting untuk partisipasi dalam pembangunan nasional. Di Indonesia, meskipun upaya peningkatan literasi terus dilakukan, tantangan sekolah di daerah pedesaan, khususnya desa tertinggal masih besar. Banyak siswa di daerah ini yang mengalami keterbatasan akses terhadap buku dan bahan bacaan ...
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