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The earthen bonding in the stone walls of a number of vernacular buildings encountered in the crystalline Vosges mountains and limestone plains of Lorraine and Mâconnais ; LE LIANT EN TERRE DES MURS EN MOELLONS DANS L’HABITAT VERNACULAIRE.Exemples des Vosges cristallines et des plaines calcaires de Lorraine et du Mâconnais
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- المصدر:ISSN: 0761-7305.
- الموضوع:Earthen bonding Vernacular buildings; Soil micromorphology; Soil sciences; Vosges; Lorraine; Mâconnais; Archaeology; France; Liant en terre; Habitat vernaculaire; Archéologie; Micromorphologie des sols; Sciences du sol; Lorraine Mâconnais; [SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environment and Society; [SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences; [SHS.ARCHI]Humanities and Social Sciences/Architecture; space management; [SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory
- نوع التسجيلة:article in journal/newspaper
- اللغة:French
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