نبذة مختصرة : Physics-based numerical modeling of earthquake source processes strives to predict quantities of interest for seismic hazard, such as the probability of an earthquake rupture jumping between fault segments. How to assess the predictive power of numerical models remains a topic of ongoing debate. Here, we investigate how sensitive the outcomes of numerical simulations of sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip are to choices in numerical discretization and treatment of inertial effects, using a simplified 2-D crustal fault model with two co-planar segments separated by a creeping barrier. Our simulations demonstrate that simplifying inertial effects and using oversized cells significantly affects the resulting earthquake sequences, including the rate of two-segment ruptures. We find that fault models with different properties and modeling assumptions can produce similar frequency-magnitude statistics and static stress drops but have different rates of two-segment ruptures. For sufficiently long faults, we find that long-term sequences of events can substantially differ even among simulations that are well resolved by standard considerations. In such simulations, some outcomes, such as static stress drops, are similar among adequately resolved simulations, whereas others, such as the rate of two-segment ruptures, can be highly sensitive to numerical procedures and modeling assumptions. While it is possible that the response of models with additional ingredients -Realistic fault geometry, fluid effects, etc. -Would be less sensitive to numerical procedures, our results emphasize the need to examine the potential dependence of simulation outcomes on the modeling procedures and resolution, particularly when assessing their predictive value for seismic hazard assessment. ; © 2021. The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Issue Online: 25 ...
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