نبذة مختصرة : 30 crew follows procedure, or at least call on the radio to check." "C.K. has no radio." interrupted Jesse. "Well. ah. you should have asked if he had a key, its your responsibility to give him a key if he doesn't have one!" "But it be a foreign line key! "C.K. reminded him. Jesse could feel her cheeks flush as she tried to restrain her temper. "As a matter of fact," Jesse glared at the trainmaster in defiance, "I have applied for a set of switch lock keys several times, and been denied them on the grounds that a woman doesn't need them! If the company wants to make it my responsibility to see that the brakemen have switch keys then they will have to issue me a set firstl" The stunned trainmaster took a step back, his tongue rolling loosely around in his mouth. He quickly regained his composure and replied, "Well. we'll see about this!" Reaching in his coat pocket he extracted a bright, new switch key. scowling at Jesse hotly, he turned and handed the key to C.K. "Now hang on to this one, will you?" He had already forgotten that the lock on the signal box required another railroad's switch key. The trainmaster turned crisply on his heels and walked out the door. Bo cocked his head and looked in Jesse's direction with his one-eyed squint, he braced himself in anticipation of her unleashed fury. But Jesse only gazed in shocked silence at the shiny key in C.K.'s upturned palm. C.K. looked up at Jesse, pushing his Rob-See-Co hat back with his other hand. "Well, I'll be go to hell!" he whispered.
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