نبذة مختصرة : Little is known about the role that work organisations play in the career development of working students. We tested a serial effects model (N = 235; mean age 23 years; 70% female) with antecedents to organisational career growth (self-management, supervisor support, work demands, job-fit, job-relevance), and immediate (work-study conflict/facilitation) and future-focused outcomes (perceived employability). Results indicated supervisor support and job relevance were related to more organisational career growth (59% of variance), which was related directly, and indirectly via work-study conflict (21%) and facilitation (24%), to perceived employability (24%). Work-study conflict and facilitation were highlighted as potential mechanisms for explaining the organisational career growth/employability relationship. The study extends research on organisational career growth to working students and has implications for theory and practice. ; Full Text
Relation: International Journal of Educational Research; Creed, PA; Hood, M; Bagley, L; Brough, P; Bialocerkowski, A; Machin, MA; Winterbotham, S, Organisational career growth: implications for future perceived employability in students who work, International Journal of Educational Research, 2022, 112, pp. 101950; http://hdl.handle.net/10072/417803
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