نبذة مختصرة : Virtually every country in the world is facing an unprecedented challenge: society is aging.Assistive technologies are expected to play a key role in promoting healthy lifestyles in the elderly.This paper presents a Kinect-based interactive system for home-assisted healthy aging, which guides,supervises, and corrects older users when they perform scheduled physical exercises. Interactionstake place in gamified environments with augmented reality. Many graphical user interface elementsand workflows have been designed considering the sensory, physical and technological shortcomingsof the elderly, adapting accordingly the interaction methods, graphics, exercises, tolerance margins,physical goals, and scoring criteria. Experiments involved 57 participants aged between 65 and 80who performed the same physical routine six times during 15 days. After each session, participantscompleted a usability survey. Results provided significant evidence that support (1) the effectivenessof the system in assisting older users of different age ranges, (2) the accuracy of the system inmeasuring progress in physical achievement of the elderly, and (3) a progressive acceptance ofthe system as it was used. As a main conclusion, the experiments verified that despite their poortechnological skills, older people can adapt positively to the use of an interactive assistance tool foractive aging if they experience clear benefits.
Relation: Sensors, 2021, vol. 21, núm. 2, p. 417; https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/2/417; FUERTES MUÑOZ, Gabriel; MOLLINEDA CARDENAS, Ramón Alberto; PLA, Filiberto. A Kinect-Based Interactive System for Home-Assisted Active Aging. Sensors, 2021, vol. 21, núm. 2, p. 417; http://hdl.handle.net/10234/192054; https://doi.org/10.3390/s21020417
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