نبذة مختصرة : Stricter environmental requirements and standards forces to look for the most effective and cost-effective ways to reduce pollution. Current levels of allowed concentrations of NOx soon will be reduced by more than 3 times. In addition, reduction of this type of pollution is one of the most complicated and the most expensive. The aim of this work is to investigate eco-friendly and cheap way to reduce NOx emissions with activated charcoal. Upon reaching the required temperature of the combustion products and directing them through a charcoal load, oxygen in the combustion products reacts with coal to generate carbon monoxide CO which breaks down NOx emissions. This paper provides some review of scientific literature, a description of the experimental stand, measurement methodology and results of experimental studies. Experiments showed that NOx concentrations varies depending on the temperature of the combustion products and the reaction time with coal – higher temperature and longer reaction time results in lower NOx concentrations. It has also been noticed that amount of activated charcoal is decreasing over time and the effectiveness of this method is almost the same as expensive catalysts.
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