نبذة مختصرة : The application quality of pulmonary function tests (PFT) carries high importance since it affects the quality of health services. "Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors in Turkey Study," which was published in 2013 showed that only 22.6% of PFTs performed in the secondary care institutions in our country were compatible with the standards. This finding reveals the standardization problem in spirometry applications in our country. Currently, the criteria for the application and evaluation of spirometer measurements were defined by American and European Respiratory Societies standards. Several laboratories use these standards in our country as in the world. But, national laboratory standards that are suitable for the conditions in our country have not been defined yet. This report was prepared to ensure the application of spirometry in optimal conditions, to minimize intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory differences and mistakes, and to standardize in our country. In this report, we focused on the standards concerning laboratory conditions, equipment, and technician specifications, test application, evaluation of test quality, infection control, and reference values.
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