نبذة مختصرة : The Accounting course is one of the most requested among the applied social sciences courses and entrepreneurship has been growing dramatically. In this sense, this research sought to identify the motivational factors for entering the Accounting course and the entrepreneurial profile of students at a public university in Paraná. Under the theoretical lens of the Theory of Self-Determination, the motivations that fostered the desire and decision-making of the participants to join the course were identified, and under the perception of previous studies, the entrepreneurial profile was identified. Data collection took place through a questionnaire applied in person and 135 valid responses were obtained. In turn, descriptive indicators, in addition to the Spearman correlation technique, were used for data analysis purposes. The results showed that the respondents entered the Accounting course motivated by extrinsic factors, that is, aiming for better professional opportunities, stability in the employability sense, and for being a prestigious profession. Regarding the entrepreneurial profile, the results indicated that the respondents do not feel prepared or safe to open their own business. The result of the correlation analysis corroborated the result of the descriptive analysis indicating little motivation for entrepreneurship. ; El curso de Ciencias Contables es uno de los más solicitados entre los cursos de ciencias sociales aplicadas y el emprendimiento ha ido creciendo dramáticamente. En ese sentido, esta investigación buscó identificar los factores motivacionales para ingresar a la carrera de Ciencias Contables y el perfil emprendedor de los estudiantes de una universidad pública de Paraná. Bajo el lente teórico de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación se identificaron las motivaciones que propiciaron el deseo y la toma de decisiones de los participantes para incorporarse al curso, y bajo la percepción de estudios previos se identificó el perfil emprendedor. La recogida de datos se realizó a través de un ...
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