نبذة مختصرة : Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Simona Dudičová Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The effect of in vitro and ex vivo placental cells stimulation on expression of selected ABC and OATP transporters The placenta is an organ that plays a key role throughout pregnancy for proper fetal development. One of the important functions provided by the placenta is the transport of substances between the mother and the fetus. This transfer of substances enabled mainly by membrane transporters, which are located on the apical and basal membranes of the syncytiotrophoblast. During various physiological or pathological changes in the human body, their expression and amount can vary significantly. Inflammatory reactions that may occur during pregnancy are also related to these changes, and therefore we have addressed this issue and believed that this condition may alter the expression of placental transporters. The aim of this work was to investigate the changes in the expression of membrane transporters using placental cells on BeWo cell lines and placental villous explants that were stimulated by pro-inflammatory mediators. The change in the expression of individual ATP-binding cassettes,. ; Univerzita Karlova Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra farmakológie a toxikológie Študentka: Simona Dudičová Školiteľ: doc. PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. Názov diplomovej práce: Vplyv stimulácie placentárnych buniek in vitro a ex vivo na expresiu vybraných ABC a OATP transportérov Placenta je orgánom, ktorý hrá kľúčovú úlohu v priebehu celého tehotenstva pre správny vývin plodu. Jednou z dôležitých funkcií, ktoré placenta poskytuje, je transport látok medzi matkou a plodom. Tento prestup látok umožňujú prevažne membránové transportéry, ktoré sa nachádzajú na apikálnej a bazálnej membráne syncytiotrofoblastu. Počas rôznych fyziologických alebo patologických zmien v ľudskom tele sa ich expresia a množstvo ...
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