نبذة مختصرة : El presente estudio titulado “Efectividad de un Programa Educativo “Pensando y Actuando” en los conocimientos de docentes de niños especiales sobre primeros auxilios, en el Centro de Educación Básica Especial “Reverenda Madre Mariana Carrigan”, del distrito de SJM -Pamplona Alta, teniendo como objetivo general determinar la efectividad de un programa educativo “Pensando y Actuando” en los conocimientos de docentes de niños especiales, sobre primeros auxilios. Teniendo como propósito motivar e incentivar al profesional de enfermería a tomar conciencia acerca de su rol Preventivo – Promocional, mediante la elaboración diseño e implementación de estrategias metodológicas de intervención a fin de fortalecer conocimientos y saber como actuar ante alguna situación de emergencia. ; --- This study entitled "Effectiveness of an Educational Program" Thinking and Acting "in the knowledge of teachers of special children on first aid, at the Center for Special Basic Education" Reverend Mother Marie Carrigan, District SJM-Pamplona Alta, taking The general objective of determining the effectiveness of an educational program "Thinking and Acting" in the knowledge of teachers of special children, first aid. Having as purpose to motivate and encourage nursing professionals to become aware of their role Preventive - Promotional design through development and implementation of methodological strategies of intervention to strengthen knowledge and know how to react to any emergency. As the awareness of different social agents, which are the special child's immediate environment, with emphasis on teachers so they become promoters and disseminate the information provided, to jointly develop coordinated actions to protect, promote and promote the health and safety of the child with special needs. ; Tesis
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