نبذة مختصرة : This article summarizes the finding and conclusions of an investigation about the Economic geography of tertiary sector for the economic basis enforcement of the Region of Nariño, Colombia, in the Globalization. Our work has two main aims: The first is to undertake this work to provide a better understanding of how urban functions —urban tertiary sector— act to mould the territory from cities in the globalization. The second is to provide a better illustration of the relation between urban population size and urban functions for formulation of the policies and strategies in the regional planning. For these proposals we develop the follow analysis: Census data of urban populations and number of urban functions of nine mayor cities and all towns Nariño region, covering a 20-year period from 1989 to 2009, are processed on the Matrix of Scarcity to obtain the actual geography of tertiary sector. The Matrix of Scarcity is constructed with three hundred columns for the urban functions —services— and sixty two rows for the municipal centers of Nariño Department. Thus, has been identified a lineal correlation and regression between population size (X) and urban functional size (Y) of Nariño cities and towns to estimate the urban "tertiary" functions for regional development in the globalization. ; Este artículo es resultado de la investigación "Geografía Económica del sector terciario para el fortalecimiento de la producción frente al TLC de Nariño, Colombia", y tiene dos propósitos: primero, describir el papel de las ciudades en el territorio por el tamaño funcional urbano —sector terciario—, factor moldeador del espacio. Segundo, indicar la importancia de la relación correlacional entre tamaño poblacional (X) y funcional (Y) en los centros municipales para la formulación de estrategias y políticas de planificación territorial. Para estos propósitos se sigue el siguiente análisis: Con los censos de población y el "conteo" del número de funciones urbanas se calcula el tamaño poblacional - funcional en nueve ciudades y ...
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