نبذة مختصرة : Understanding and predicting the lubricant degradation of in-service industrial lubricants is an important and vital part for every lubricant condition-monitoring program. Condition monitoring programs driven by end-users have in many cases ignored the tools/tests to monitor the degradation of the fluid by oxidation by not just the cost of the available tests but in many cases the lack of knowledge in the area of fluid oxidation. Although the process of oxidation represents a lot of unanswered questions, it starts by understanding the role/function of antioxidants, for different lubricants and conditions, and how they contribute to the oxidative health of lubricants. With the extension of lubricants life, increasing load factors, and introduction of long-life improved base-stocks, it is of extreme high value to know not only your basic condition monitoring tests but also the measure of the remaining oxidative life of lubricants. In the first part of the paper, we will present one of the proactive ways of performing remaining oxidative life by trending/monitoring the consumption of the antioxidants during their service life, and safeguard lubricants against oxidative stresses. In a second part, this paper will present experiences with antioxidant analysis (by means of the RULER technology) as part of a global on-site oil-screening program performed by maintenance personnel on a wide range of lubricants. End-users will understand how this recently certified ASTM Test Method – ASTM 6810 – will contribute to the value of the oil screening program by allowing for planned or immediate maintenance actions (if required) coupled with reduction in time and costly laboratory oil analysis.
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