نبذة مختصرة : Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2023, Director: Inmaculada Rodríguez Santiago i Maite López Sánchez ; [en] Artificial Intelligence is in a moment of rapid growth in the implementation of different technologies. Among these technologies, the recent boom in the use of conversational agents, such as ChatGPT, stands out. We can observe that nowadays new chatbots with new and better functionalities are appearing every day, and every day, these functionalities are becoming more similar to the capabilities of a human being. This final degree project is an initiation to the world of conversational agents that allows in the first instance to identify their potential to be able to exploit them with the help of a conversational framework that allows to create chatbots. Specifically, in this project we have used the conversational framework RASA. On the other hand, we are living in an era where everyone is connected thanks to the Internet. As a consequence, virtual communities have come to light. These virtual communities are defined as a group of people with common goals who interact with each other in an online environment. Such virtual communities, like Artificial Intelligence, will be something we will see more commonly in the near future. In this context, using as a basis a previous TFG that formalized virtual communities, as well as the figure of a chatbot in them, this project proposes the inclusion of a conversational agent in a virtual community specialized in participatory democracy, so that it helps citizens to know it and to participate democratically in the decisions that affect their community. Specifically, this work focuses on the virtual community of Decidim.barcelona. This is a community of citizen participation that aims to improve the city of Barcelona through participatory processes such as participatory budgets, citizen assemblies, debates or collection of signatures.
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