نبذة مختصرة : The article is devoted to the peculiarities of providing legal assistance to judges, including during military conflicts. It is noted that the workload of courts with a large number of cases to be resolved was largely due to military aggression and the existing shortage of judges. Given the provisions of the Code of Judicial Ethics, it is necessary to avoid any illegal influence on a judge's professional activity and the difficulty of complying with the requirements for tact, endurance and respect for judges and others. An attempt has been made to analyze the most common categories of cases in which judges are parties to the case. Taking into account the data on a significant number of cases in the Unified State Register of Judgments, it was deemed expedient to structure them as follows: 1) cases concerning appeals against decisions of the High Council of Justice and the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine; 2) cases on appeal against dismissal of a judge; 3) cases concerning the recovery of a judge's fee; 4) cases on recovery of payments of due sums of money in connection with the legal consequences of satisfaction of the judge's resignation application; 5) cases related to the probable commission of a corruption act by a judge. The classification of these cases is not exhaustive and can be structured in another way, taking into account the possibility of changing the range of legal relations, the participants of which are the holders of judicial power. ; Статтю присвячено особливостям надання правової допомоги суддям, у тому числі й під час військових конфліктів. Зазначено, що навантаження судів великоюкількістю справ, які підлягають вирішенню, більшою міроювідбулась внаслідок військової агресії та існуючого дефіциту суддівських кадрів. З огляду на положення Кодексу суддівської етики вказано на необхідність уникнення судді будь-якого незаконного впливу на його професійну діяльність і важкість у зв’язку з цим дотримання вимог щодо обов’язковості виявлення тактовності, витримки й поваги судді до ...
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