نبذة مختصرة : The subject of this study is the process of analyzing the structure of the network of fire-rescue units of the city in the context of optimizing their spatial distribution. The purpose of this work is to increase the objectivity of decisions made while forming a city network of fire-rescue units by creating an information technology (IT) method for analysis of its structure based on the use of spatially distributed data. Objectives: to find ways to improve the level of fire safety, analyze existing approaches to the formation of a network of fire-rescue units, considering the peculiarities of building and organizing a network, and adapt the classical problem of placement; to propose a method for solving it to minimize the distance between the fire-rescue unit and the possible place of fire while ensuring maximum coverage of the territory by fire service; and to develop IT structure for its implementation based on the information flow model of the process of analyzing the fire-rescue units network using a geospatial approach. The following results were obtained. The study of the classical location problem and its adaptation to real problems arising from the analysis of the urban network of fire-rescue units made it possible to represent it as a set of independent complete bipartite graphs. To search the location of network nodes while solving an adapted problem, an IT method is developed, which, based on the p-median model, combines the author’s methodology for studying information processes and methods of geospatial analysis. Summarizing the requirements of the current legislation, a set of input and output IT data and a set of operations have been formed. The representation of the IT structure in the form of a data flow diagram explains how the set of factors is processed and generalized when making decisions on the creation and / or improvement of the existing city fire department. Conclusions. The results of the bibliographic search confirm the need to consider the spatial features of the area where it is ...
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