نبذة مختصرة : Neck pain ranks fourth on the golden burden of musculoskeletal at the World Health Organization (WHO). Medical faculty students can spend about 6-8 hours studying, even during non-class hours students carry out study activities to deepen the material while sitting for a long duration. The duration of the sitting position is related to the static load received by the neck muscles. This static load on the neck can trigger an increase in muscle tone which in the long term can cause neck pain. This study used an observational-analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The study used a questionnaire given via Google form in April-May 2022 to all students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Bengkulu. Sampling was carried out based on total sampling technique. The relationship between the two variables was analyzed using Chi Square and Fisher analysis. The results showed that sitting duration during distance learning had a significant relationship to neck pain with a significance value of 0.005. The results of the study between the duration of sitting during distance learning and the neck disability index did not have a significant relationship with a significance value of 0.604. The duration of sitting during distance learning is significantly related to neck pain while the duration of sitting during distance learning does not have a significant relationship to the neck disability index. Keywords: Duration of Sitting, Neck Pain, Neck Disability Index (NDI) ABSTRAK Nyeri leher menduduki urutan keempat pada golden burden of musculoskeletal pada World Health Organization (WHO). Mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran dapat menghabiskan waktu sekitar 6 – 8 jam untuk belajar, bahkan di jam luar kuliah mahasiswa melakukan kegiatan belajar untuk mendalami materi dengan posisi duduk dalam durasi yang lama. Durasi posisi duduk berhubungan dengan beban statis yang diterima oleh otot – otot leher. Beban statis pada leher ini dapat memicu peningkatan tonus otot yang mana dalam jangka waktu yang ...
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