نبذة مختصرة : The Excel-file provides the data accompanying our study "Can perception be extended to a “feel of north”? Tests of automaticity with the NaviEar" published in Adaptive Behaviour. If you look for the code of the NaviEar App , it may be found on GitHub: https://github.com/christophWit/NaviEar The Excel features 10 sheets with data. 1. Participants: Specification of participant sample; columns: participant ID ( pp ), sex (female, male), age , and the date of the first experimental day (dd, mm, yyyy). 2. Wrd2Pnt: Data from training task Word-to-Pointing; columns: participant ID ( pp ), measurement type (training or roated-signal test), reference orientation ( RefOri ; 0 = North), testing day ( day ), date (yyyy mm dd) & time (hh mm ss), session number ( ss ), trial number ( trial ), subversion ( vers, 1 = off, 2 = on), tazi = test azimuth, razi = response azimuth, dazi = difference between test and response ( razi - tazi ), rt = response time, sub_1 , sub_2 , sub_3 = subjective ratings of familiarity, orientation, and loudness. 3. Snd2Pnt: Data from training task Sound-to-Pointing; format as Wrd2Pnt. 4. Snd2Wrd: Data from training task Sound-to-Word; format as Wrd2Pnt , except subversions ( vers ): 1 = delay, 2 = cue-on, 3 = on. 5. AngDff: Data from training task Angle-Difference; format as Wrd2Pnt , except tazi1 = first test azimuth, tazi2 = second test azimuth; dazi_dir = difference between both test azimuths ( tazi2 - tazi1 ), including direction; dazi = absolute difference between test, i.e., without direction of difference; razi = responded azimuth difference between the two tests. 6. DisDetect: Data from Distortion Detection test; columns: participant ID ( pp ), session ( ss ), path (cf. Figure S3 in Supplementary Material ), distortion ( dist ), 0 = no distortion, negative = distortion to the right, positive = distortion to the left, 1 = weak distortion (difficult), 2 = strong distortion (easy), distAmpli = distortion amplitude (in degree azimuth: 40 deg = weak, 70 deg = strong), distCentre , distWidth = ...
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