نبذة مختصرة : Architectural layout of the obraje, functions of the rooms reconstructed from colonial descriptions and archaeological excavations and geophysical survey. Key: 0=main entrance; 1=majordomo’s quarters; 2=granary/storage for blue dyes; 3=room for black dyes; 4, 5=rooms for dyeing wool and storage of ash; 6,7=unknown; 8,9=forge; 10=refurbished room; 11=hallway; 12a, 12b=rooms for officials and guards of the jail; 13=hallway; 14=spun wool storage room; 15=storage room of finished pieces; 16=storage room of wool; 17=batán?; 18, 19, 20=worker eating/sleeping areas; 21=kitchen; 22=pantry; 23=kitchen patio; 24, 25, 26=living quarters of the administrator; 27=porch of administrator’s house; 28=guest room; 29=breadmaking room/dining room; 30=principal patio; 31=corral (washing, drying, raising the nap, and inspecting finished cloth area?); 32=weaving room; 33=tara storage room; 34=women’s jail; 35=men’s jail; 36=main work patio; 37=hallway; 38=storage room for “trosos de pañete,” 39=tareador or work assignment room; 40=storage room; 41=secondary work patio/ tanning hides area; 42=gallery for spinning wool; 43=garden?
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