نبذة مختصرة : This study aims to assess the effect of the anti-GnRH vaccine Improvac® on the reproductive control of male domestic cats. Seven clinically healthy adult male cats were used. Cats were maintained in a controlled environment to avoid sperm variations due to photoperiod. Semen samples, testicular volume, penile spines quality, and blood samples for hemogram and serum glucose determination were evaluated every two weeks for 180 days. After three consecutive seminal evaluations, the first dose of the vaccine was administered, followed by a second dose 4 weeks later. Reductions in seminal parameters, testicular volume, and penile spines size were observed in six cats two months after vaccination and continued until the end of the study. By this time, seminal parameters and testicular volume decreased 90 % and 49 %, respectively, compared to initial values. Penile spines showed almost complete atrophy. Hematologic parameters observed during the study period were within normal values for domestic cats. This is the first report that assessed the immunocontraceptive effectiveness of the Improvac® vaccine for reproductive control in male domestic cats. Further studies are necessary to determine the duration of the contraceptive effect and fertility after vaccination. ; La hormona liberadora de gonadotrofinas (GnRH) constituye un excelente blanco farmacológico para el manejo reproductivo de animales de compañía, de producción y silvestres. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la vacuna Improvac® contra GnRH para suprimir la espermatogénesis en el gato doméstico. A siete gatos adultos, clínicamente sanos y mantenidos en ambiente controlado, se les aplicaron dos dosis de la vacuna, con cuatro semanas de intervalo y utilizando la vía subcutánea. Los animales se evaluaron cada dos semanas durante 180 días. Los parámetros seminales, el volumen testicular y el tamaño de las espículas peneanas comenzaron a disminuir dos meses después de la primera dosis vacunal. Al final de la experiencia los parámetros seminales y el volumen ...
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