نبذة مختصرة : We have investigated whether IP 3 metabolism presents particular changes during critical stages of muscle development. With this aim, we have measured IP 3 formation through phospholipase C activity, IP 3 removal through IP 3 5-phosphatase and IP 3 3-kinase activities, as well as IP 3 mass, during myogenesis in vivo and in vitro. In developing rat skeletal muscle, both IP 3 3-kinase and 5-phosphatase activities were relatively constant from embryonary day 15, the earliest age studied, to postnatal day 10; 5-phosphatase decreased upon further development. A transient, major increase in phospholipase C activity was evident at embryonary day 18 while a non-significant increase in IP 3 mass was detected at this embrionary age. In rat skeletal muscle in primary culture, all enzyme activities as well as the mass of IP 3 increased significantly in myotubes compared to myoblasts. Myotubes incubated with calcitonin gene-related peptide, responded with a transient increase in IP 3 mass after 2 t
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