نبذة مختصرة : Ozon omogućava dobro antimikrobno djelovanje, a pritom ne umanjuje kvalitetu proizvoda te se kao takav može koristiti u prehrambenoj industriji, počevši od same dezinfekcije postrojenja za proizvodnju pa do njegove upotrebe pri dezinfekciji različitih namirnica i proizvoda. Cilj rada je prikazati fizikalno-kemijska svojstava ozona, načine njegovog generiranja te upotrebe u prehrambenoj industriji. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada prikazane su kemijsko-fizikalne karakteristike vode nakon tretiranja ribe vodom u kojoj su bile otopljene tri različite doze ozona (1, 3 i 5 mgO₃L⁻¹) tijekom 5, 10 i 15 minuta. Mjereni parametri vode nakon tretiranja ribe su pH-vrijednost, električna provodnost, kemijska potrošnja kisika (KPK), biološka potrošnja kisika (BPK₅), koeficijent spektralne apsorpcije pri 254 nm (SAC) i ukupna suspendirana tvar (TSS). Izmjerene vrijednosti parametara vode bili su vrijednosti unutar dopuštenih granica za ispust otpadnih voda u površinske vode. ; Ozone provides good antimicrobial activity without affecting the quality of the product, and can therefore be used in the food industry, from the disinfection of production equipment to the disinfection of various foods and products. The aim of the work is to show the physical and chemical properties of ozone, the possibilities of its production and its use in the food industry. In the experimental part of the work, the chemical-physical properties of water were presented after treating fish with water in which three different doses of ozone (1, 3 and 5 mgO₃L⁻¹) were dissolved for 5, 10 and 15 minutes. The water parameters measured after fish treatment were pH, electrical conductivity, chemical oxygen consumption (COD), biological oxygen consumption (BOD), spectral absorption coefficient at 254 nm (SAC), and total suspended solids (TSS). The measured values of the water parameters were within the permissible limits for the discharge of wastewater into surface waters.
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