نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; We assessed how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients would imagine their self in the future. AD patients andhealthy controls were asked to generate statements beginning with “I-will-be” to describe how they sawthemselves or how they wished to be in the future. These statements were analyzed in terms of four self-dimensions, i.e., physical self, social self, psychological self and self-cessation. The latter was investigated toassess how AD patients processed the idea of their own mortality. Findings demonstrated fewer total “I-will-be” statements in AD participants than in controls, suggesting that the construction of future self-conceptsbecomes weaker in the disease. Our results also demonstrated fewer statements related to the physical-self,the social-self and the psychological-self, and more statements related to self-cessation in AD participantsthan in controls. These findings suggest that AD patients are highly preoccupied by the idea of death whenthinking about the future of their self.
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