نبذة مختصرة : V magistrskem delu obravnavamo tehnike proceduralnega generiranja vsebine in njihovo uporabo za opis objektov iz resničnega sveta. Iz teoretičnega vidika zato podrobneje predstavimo metodo L-Sistemov ter pristop s sestavljanjem ploščic in opišemo sam postopek implementacije vtičnika za generiranje mesta. Rezultate naše implementacije analiziramo iz vidika časovne zahtevnosti in natančnosti. Na tej osnovi lahko potrdimo dejstvo, da je uporaba takšnih pristopov, v primerjavi s tradicionalnim digitalnim kiparjenjem, hitra in preprosta. Vseeno pa je izvedba takšnega algoritma časovno zahtevna, njegova implementacija pa zahteva veliko znanja o problemu, ki ga rešujemo. Domensko znanje namreč bistveno pripomore k natančnosti izvedbe. ; This thesis focuses on techniques for procedural generation of digital content and their usage for description of real-world objects. For this purpose, it thoroughly covers approaches that based on L-System and tiling techniques as well as their implementation in a form of a plug-in that allows for the generation of virtual cities. The obtained results are analyzed in terms of time complexity and accuracy. Here, we once more confirm that using procedural algorithms for 3D modeling is faster than traditional 3D modeling techniques. However, the development process of such algorithms is significantly lengthier in time and requires extensive knowledge of the problem, we are trying to solve, as domain knowledge considerably contributes to the precision of the execution.
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