نبذة مختصرة : This paper points out a break in the technology of brick production, which was also reflected in a change in the style of buildings. In the town of Trnava and its surroundings it is relatively easy to identify a materially and chronologically limited group of buildings associated with the origins of the institutional town from the mid-13th century onwards. The buildings were constructed of bricks with a cannellated surface. Their distinction from their predecessors and types that replaced them is enabled by the fact that the walls were unplastered, with mortar only applied in the joints. Until then, buildings had been constructed of fired bricks containing plant residues and they were plastered. The article explains the determination of cannellated bricks as Gothic and bricks with plant residues as Romanesque in the Trnava area. We also researched the provenance of the production of both types of bricks, and it seems probable that each originated in a different cultural environment. ; V príspevku sa poukazuje na zlom v technológii výroby tehál, ktorý sa prejavil aj v zmene slohového výrazu stavieb. V meste Trnava a jej blízkom okolí je pomerne jednoduchá identifikácia materiálovo a časovo ohraničenej skupiny stavieb, ktoré stáli pri počiatkoch inštitucionálneho mesta od polovice 13. storočia. Stavby boli vybudované z tehál opatrených na povrchu kanelovaním (tzv. prstovky). Ich odlíšenie od predchodcov a nasledovníkov uľahčuje fakt, že steny boli režné – neomietané, s úpravou malty v škárach. Dovtedy sa u nás stavalo z pálených tehál, ktoré obsahovali v hmote rastlinné zvyšky (tzv. plevovky) a stavby boli omietnuté. Zdôvodňujeme označenie prstoviek za gotické tehly a plevoviek za románske na trnavskom území. Pátrame aj po proveniencii výroby oboch typov tehál, pričom sa začína javiť ako reálne, že každý z nich pochádza z inej kultúrnej oblasti.
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