نبذة مختصرة : Poor mine water management can lead to corporate, environmental and social risks. These risks become more pronounced as mining operations move into areas of water scarcity and/or increase climatic variability while also managing increased demand, lower ore grades and increased strip ratios. Therefore, it is vital that mine sites better understand these risks in order to implement management practices to address them. Systems models provide an effective approach to understand complex networks, particularly across multiple scales. Previous work has represented mine water interactions using systems model on a mine site scale. Here, we expand on that work by present an integrated tool that uses a systems modeling approach to represent mine water interactions on a site and regional scale and then analyses the risks associated with events stemming from those interactions. A case study is presented to represent three indicative corporate, environmental and social risks associated with a mine site that exists in a water scarce region. The tool is generic and flexible, and can be used in many scenarios to provide significant potential utility to the mining industry.
Relation: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/75559/15/Paper_27_Second_Stage_SubmittedUnformated.pdf; http://www.gecaminpublications.com/waterinmining2014/#close; Keir, Greg, Roux, Estelle, & Woodley, Alan (2014) An integrated modeling and risk analysis tool for mine water interactions. In Wiertz, J & McIntyre, N (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Water Management in Mining. Gecamin Ltd, Chile, pp. 1-10.; https://eprints.qut.edu.au/75559/; Science & Engineering Faculty
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