نبذة مختصرة : Introduction: This research was conducted in Chile, in Talcahuano commune, and its Objective was to identify the achievements and difficulties of the beginning of the application of a new law concerning universal palliative care (N° 21.375) and the public health personnel needs of training in palliative care. Before this law, only cancer patients could receive palliative care. Method: Through a quantitative and qualitative study, health personnel working in palliative care in the four public Primary Health Care Centers of the commune and at Hospital Las Higueras (Pain Relief Unit and Palliative Care) answered a questionnaire and participated in focus groups. The questionnaire was based on the quality standards of palliative care formulated by Sociedad Española de Palliative Care and the Ministry of Health. In the focus groups the discussion was related to the application of the new law. Results: The personnel were interested and motivated to apply the new law but would appreciate in receiving a clearer orientation, more resources in personnel, supplies and medicines and training in palliative care. Discussion: The health personnel participated very well in this study. The differences between Primary Health Care Centers and the Unity of Palliative Care of Hospital Las Higueras may be attributed mainly to the experience in palliative care. Conclusion: Results obtained in Talcahuano cannot be generalized but they provide empirical elements to improve the application of the new law 21.375 ; Introducción: hasta la promulgación de la ley 21.375 de cuidados paliativos universales, (fines 2021), estos beneficiaban solo a los pacientes oncológicos. En marzo 2022, se amplió el beneficio a todos los pacientes. El Objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las fortalezas y debilidades en la práctica paliativa en el contexto del comienzo de aplicación de la ley 21.375, desde la visión del personal de salud pública y sus necesidades de formación. Método: estudio cuanti-cualitativo realizado entre agosto-diciembre de 2022, en los ...
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