نبذة مختصرة : Presentation. Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium, February 25-26, 2016, The University of Arizona. ; Facilitated Roundtable Discussion Are critical assessment practices possible? Is the role of assessment fundamentally at odds with critical library pedagogy? Assessing both instructor performance and student learning can rationalize academic programs or services, demonstrate student learning, measure teacher performance accountability, or provide feedback on the efficacy of instruction. In today’s neoliberal higher education landscape this is often reflected through “value” and “return on investment.” Given the fraught purposes of assessment in higher education, what would critical assessment look like in practice? This roundtable will ask participants to discuss the tension and propose assessment methods that are congruent with a critical pedagogy perspective. ; Proceedings from the Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium are made available by the symposium creators and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact the CLAPS committee at http://claps2016.wix.com/home#!about/cjg9 if you have questions about items in this collection.
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