نبذة مختصرة : The plaque (PDB) is a causal factor for oral diseases: dental caries and periodontal disease, considered oral health problem in Mexico in children, mainly in patients with dental crowding, because the bad tooth position does not allow adequate oral hygiene. The technique of conventional brushing (empirical, that children use to make your oral hygiene at home) is usually an ineffective technique that causes accumulation of PDB, so a technique effective brushing children be taught as is the Bass technique to favor the elimination of PDB and reduce precursors microorganisms oral diseases. The objective is to evaluate the presence of PDB with O'Leary index in pediatric patients to demonstrate their decline in tooth surfaces with Bass brushing technique. Methodologically it is an investigation of prospective, longitudinal, quasi- experimental. ; La placa dentobacteriana (PDB), es factor causal de enfermedades bucodentales:caries dental y enfermedad periodontal, consideradas un problema de salud bucal enMéxico en la población infantil, principalmente a los pacientes con apiñamiento dental,porque la mal posición dental no permite la adecuada higiene oral.La técnica de cepillado convencional (empírica, que los niños utilizan al realizar suhigiene oral en el hogar) suele ser una técnica ineficaz que causa acumulación de PDB, porlo que se enseñará una técnica de cepillado efectiva para niños como es la técnica de Bass,para favorecer la eliminación de más PDB y reducir los microorganismos precursores deenfermedades orales.
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