نبذة مختصرة : In accordance with the adaptation of the Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Nursing at the Vall d’Hebron University Nursing Hospital to the EHEA framework, one of the new methods to be introduced in 2008- 09 was the student portfolio. Aim: To construct and consolidate a design for the evaluation using the portfolio, which involves students and nurses in the process of reflecting on learning in surgical care processes. Methodology: The area of activity was clinical practicals for the Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Nursing during the 2008-09 academic year. 45 students constituted the subjects of the study. 2 members of teaching staff and 62 surgical nurses were also involved as tutors. Stages: 1) Design of the minimum portfolio content. 2) Presentation of the portfolio to students and nurse tutors. 3) Monitoring of the portfolio during the period of clinical practicals. 4) Analysis of the completed portfolios. 5) Evaluation session with the surgical nurse tutors at the end of the course. Results: Reflection did not appear explicitly in most of the portfolios, but the commentaries showed the importance of including it and reinforcing it with the nurse tutor. Conclusions: The portfolio became an instrument of communication between teaching staff, students and nurse tutors reinforcing the involvement of the latter in the learning process. On the basis of the results strategies were implemented for the improvement and consolidation of the portfolio for the 2009-10 academic year. ; Acorde con la adaptación del Postgrado de Enfermería Quirúrgica de la EUI Vall d’Hebron al marco de las exigencias del EEES, una de las metodologías introducidas en el curso 2008-09 fue la Carpeta de Aprendizaje (CA). Objetivo: Construir y consolidar un diseño de evaluación, a través de la CA., que implique a estudiantes y enfermeras en el proceso de reflexión del aprendizaje de los cuidados en el proceso quirúrgico. Metodología: El ámbito de actuación fueron las prácticas clínicas del Postgrado de Enfermería Quirúrgica durante el curso ...
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