نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; A pre-diabetes syndrome induced by endocrine disruptors (ED) was recently demonstrated in the model amphibian Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis and was suggested to be a potential cause of amphibian population decline. However, such effects have not been found in wild type frogs exposed to ED and the capacity of amphibians to physiologically develop diabetes under natural conditions has not been confirmed. This study showed that a high fat diet (HFD) model displaying the important characteristics of mammal HFD models including glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can be developed with green frogs (Pelophylax spp.). Wild green frogs exposed to 10 μg L−1 benzo [a]pyrene (BaP) for 18 h also displayed several characteristics of the pre-diabetes phenotype previously observed in Xenopus including glucose intolerance, gluconeogenesis activation and insulin resistance. The study results confirmed that metabolic disorders induced by ED in wild green frogs are typical of the pre-diabetes phenotype and could serve as a starting point for field studies to determine the role of ED in the decline of amphibian populations. From an environmental perspective, the response of wild green frogs to different ED (10 μg L−1) suggests that a simple glucose-tolerance test could be used on wild anurans to identify bodies of water polluted with metabolic disruptors that could affect species fitness.
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