نبذة مختصرة : This collection contains seventeen articles on the self and related subjects. All articles are published here for the first time. Collection covers a wide range of topics ; metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, history of philosophy (modern and ancient, eastern and western), aesthetics and ethics. We hope that this collection will be of interest for philosophical audience and that it might contribute to the contemporary debate. The occasion for publication of this collection was a Philosophy conference The Self, held on March 31. and April 1. 2016. at The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Croatia. I wish to thank to all those who participated in the conference and submitted their contributions for this collection. I apologize for certain delay in publishing, especially to those who have submitted their articles in time. I wish to thank to Eric Olson, Takashi Yagisawa, Luca Malatesti and Leonard Pektor for the language proofreading of the articles in the collection. This collection is the end product of the activities of a group of philosophers from the Rijeka Department of Philosophy and colleagues that have worked with them. The activity of this group has started in the autumn of 2010. as an informal seminar on Identity, held on Tuesdays at 17.30, in the Library of the Old building. Philosophers made the core of the group, although few colleagues from departments of Psychology and Literature were included. The main support for these activities was the research project Identity of the University of Rijeka. (http://identitet.ffri.hr) Many articles in this collection are written as a part of the work on this research project. Hereby we express our gratitude for this support. With this support the visits of the colleagues from other centers and countries became possible. On several occasions Yagisawa, Olson, Kardaš and other colleagues visited Rijeka and worked with the group. Finally, it was this support that made publishing of this collection possible.
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