نبذة مختصرة : TUB SYNOD OF THE MII& coja The Synod of the Nile and the American University at Cairo To the General Assembly, To tbo Board of Foreign Mieelone, To the Board of Trustees of the Oniversitv i, pmi.i , To the Faculty of the Onirer.ity at ^of’ As stated la previous minutes of the Synod, a committee was appointed with the Bev. Moawad Hanna, pastor of the Second Kvengelical Church in Assiut and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Theological Seminary in Cairo, as Chairman, to present in a fraternal way the views of the Christian nationals of Egypt regarding certain programs sponsored by the University. There was the earnest hope that such programs including songs of a nature appealing to degenerate passions and licentious would come to an end. There is not the least idea of interfering in the activities of another institution, nor of causing suffering thru meddling. But the Synod has always stood according to God's will in matters pertaining to Christian morality, even to the point of suffering. The committee met with the University Faculty, headed by a prominent United Presbyterian minister, Dr. C. R. Watson, son of the late Dr. Andrew Watson. After a cordial reception in which courtesies were exchanged and memories recalled, several proofs of Synod's contention were presented. But the programs continued, with daily increasing Christian abhorrence and sense of injury. This reaction has brought together a united Christian front, with the Synod as the standard bearer, and this group has received support and corroboration from almost all the national Christian bodies in Sgypt. The com? mittee, within the limitations of its appointment by Synod, tried also to understand the views of Christian denominations which have expressed unanimous resentment in this matter. The following quotations are extracted from documents we have at hand. Nay I quote from one of the most prominent of the Coptic clergy, the Bev. Ibrahim Luka, author of "Christianity and Islam"? He says, "Such songs as sponsored by the University - ...
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