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Determination of the point of zero charge and isoelectric point of two agricultural wastes and their application in the removal of colorants ; Determinación del punto de carga cero y punto isoeléctrico de dos residuos agrícolas y su aplicación en la remoción de colorantes ; Determinação do ponto de carga zero e ponto isoelétrico de dois resíduos agrícolas e sua aplicação na remoção de corantes.

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, UNAD
    • الموضوع:
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      Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Agro-industrial wastes have shown adsorptive properties and therefore can be considered as a potential alternative for the removal of dissolved contaminants present in industrial effluents. The chemical composition of the absorbate`s surface allows it to stablish its capacity to retain certain ionic contaminants. This study, determinates the point of zero charge (PZC) and the isoelectric point (IEP) of two agricultural wastes, rice husks and coconut husk, with the end of establishing the distribution of charges on the surface and subsequently to evaluate their capacity for the removal dissolved anionic or cationic colorants. In order to accomplish this, the study utilized the methods of pH drift and zeta potential varying the pH interval between 2.0 and 11 and maintaining the other variables at a constant. A PZC of 5.40 and an IEP of 9.10 were obtained for the rice husk, and a PZC of 4.61 and an IEP of 9.45 for the coconut husk, indicating a distribution of predominately positive charge on the surface. Further study of this characteristic confirmed its affinity for the removal of ionic colorants. The rice husk showed a removal of 93% of the cationic colorant basic red 46 (RB46) with at a pH higher than 5.0 and a retention of 73% of the anionic red 40 colorant(R40) at pH = 2.0 on rice husks. The determination of the PZC and IEP of the adsorbents allows for the establishment of better conditions for the adsorption of ionic colo­rants in solution. ; Los residuos agroindustriales han mostrado ca­racterísticas adsorbentes, y con ello su posible uso alternativo para la remoción de contaminan­tes disueltos presentes en los efluentes industriales. La caracterización química de la superficie del material adsorbente permite establecer su capacidad para retener ciertos contaminantes iónicos. En el presente estudio se determinó el punto de carga cero (PZC) y el punto isoeléctrico (IEP) de dos residuos agrícolas, cascarilla de arroz y corteza de coco, con el fin de establecer la distribución de cargas sobre su superficie y ...
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