نبذة مختصرة : This research deals with the HIV (AIDS) in the prison of medium security prison Apartadó and specifically how the administrative part of the center in question has faced this problem. HIV (AIDS) has been discovered inside the penalty specific number of inmates, some because they entered with the disease, and others because the discovered or acquired within the prison. In this research paper cases filed between 2010 and 2015. This composition has different parts, namely be analyzed: 1. A brief history of the prison establishment of Apartadó, referring to the geographical situation, the number of inmates who were infected with HIV (AIDS), like those who have managed to survive with the disease as those who have died. 2. The establishment of administrative failures due care of AIDS patients in prison Apartadó; 3. Analysis of the patterns of change for sexual practices and contact with these people living with HIV / AIDS develop within normal behaviors, respecting the guidelines of "prevention" as a social group, this intruded and related to all people that surround them within the establishment as the other inmates not carriers of the disease, officials of the national and penitentiary institute (INPEC), visitors and others who are correlated with them are. Methodologically different documentary sources, both literature and oral as interviews with inmates infected with HIV / AIDS, who voluntarily answered some well planned questions, in addition to complying with the protocol by the Bioethics Committee is required to be analyzed San Buenaventura University Organization of the United Nations for education, science and culture (UNESCO). Also, managers of health within the establishment, logistics, human, part locative establishment was investigated. Finally, among the findings of this work it is important to note that, taking into account the difficulties faced by the prison system in Colombia, the urgent requirements in health requires a quick solution to the problems in the prison system, as well as diagnosis and ...
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