نبذة مختصرة : Monografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Educação Especial - Déficit Cognitivo e Educação de Surdos, EaD, RS, 2007. ; The present monographic study: “The education of the Portuguese Language for Deaf people”, objectified to evaluate the importance of the education and the learning of the Portuguese Language for enclosed deaf citizens in 6ª series of a state school of Santana of Release - RS and to show as the same ones are learning the written Portuguese. It desires to caracterizar having as base the literal production of the deaf citizens in classroom and of the impressions that in them are produced, as to evaluate the writing of these enclosed citizens in the inclusive educational system. To investigate the literal cohesion of the texts produced for the citizens of this research, activities developed in classroom had been used. , As first material of inquiry, images of illustrative figures, at as a moment had been used, a history printed to be recounted chore and in written Portuguese. E, at one third moment, the production of text through engraving and finally the same activity with free subject. For the analysis of the data the categories presented for Brochado (2002 apud PICTURES and SCHMIEDT, 2006) on the periods of training of interlíngua in the learning of the Portuguese Language in deaf citizens had been used. As the analyzed periods of training of interlíngua, the deaf citizens meet in period of training II, therefore the texts, exactly of inadequate form, present the use of articles, bent prepositions, verbs and some in the infinitive. It was also observed, functional job of substantives and adjectives, and still, some elements as preposition and conjunction. How much to the frasal structure they are presented however with characteristics of the Language of Signals, however with characteristics of the Portuguese Language. E, although the repetition of words, the ortográfica difficulty and the lack of vocabulary, has agreement of ...
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