نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; Universes of belief in the learning of languages and cultures : unrelatedness or relatedness? A comment upon an experimentation in teacher training The linguistic definition of a universe of belief (Martin, 1987) in connection with a truth taken in charge by the speaker is inkeeping with an " epistemic logic of ordinary language" and may thus be used more widely alongside such concepts as Bruner's symbolic representation and popular psychology (1991). This seems a big issue in the field of foreign language teaching since getting to know another language and culture can be viewed, in some way, as taking otherness in charge. An experimentation in school-teacher training (Tardieu 2008) has raised several questions. Are universes of belief well-founded or fluctuating? If they are well-founded, they cannot be easily modified. If they are fluctuating, they can more easily be modified. But in that case what is the lifespan of a modification? How to prevent unrelatedness from occuring (Bolle de Bal 1996) or even resilience - that is a return to the former representation? What are the conditions of a didactics of relatedness (Morin 1977, Bolle de Bal 1996), this "relationship that illuminates oneself" as Bachelard might have paraphrased (1934). Is it enough to create adequate "affordances" (Gibson, 1977 and 1979) or to adopt certain teaching styles or do we have to invent a specific paradigm of relatedness? ; La définition linguistique de l'univers de croyance (Martin, 1987) en relation avec une vérité prise en charge par l'énonciateur s'inscrit dans " une logique épistémique du langage ordinaire " et peut à ce titre être élargie aux concepts de représentation symbolique et de psychologie populaire de Bruner (1991). Le domaine de l'enseignement des langues-cultures semble au cœur de la question puisque s'approprier une langue-culture, c'est d'une certaine manière, prendre en charge l'altérité. Or, une expérimentation en formation des maîtres du 1er degré (Tardieu 2008) soulève plusieurs ...
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