نبذة مختصرة : This paper seeks to understand the critical reception of Max Martins’ poetry over 50 years of artistic activity. It proposes investigate, by utilizing an aesthetic recepcional approach, how the successive readings of journalists and critics established the acceptance of Max Martins’ production and the insertion of this writer into the respective local and national literary scene. Based theoretically on Aesthetic Reception, this study attempts to understand diachronically the effect caused by the Max Martins’ production in his immediate readers, and therefore make out a story of his reception. The approach of the assumptions made by H. R. Jauss (in The History of Literature as Provocation to Literary Theory) - such as the term "horizon of expectation" - will direct us as regards historicity of Max Martins’ poetic production, explaining why some misreadings of his works perpetuate until the present. Therefore by reconstructing the "horizon of expectation" it will be possible to understand which demand or question the Max Martins’ work attended at the time of its publication, furthermore to ascertain how the publishing of his works (G. Genette, 2009) influenced his reading over time, thereby updating their critical understanding and revealing some persistent inconsistencies in contemporary academic studies. ; O presente trabalho busca compreender a recepção crítica da poética de Max Martins no decorrer de 50 anos de atividade artística. A partir de uma abordagem estético recepcional, averiguaremos como as sucessivas leituras por parte de jornalistas e críticos determinaram a aceitação de sua produção e sua respectiva inserção dentro do cenário literário local e nacional. Baseando-se na perspectiva teórica da Estética da Recepção pretenderemos assim compreender diacronicamente o efeito causado pela obra de Max Martins junto aos seus leitores imediatos, e consequentemente perfazer uma história de sua recepção. A abordagem realizada por meio dos pressupostos apresentados por H. R. Jauss (em A História da Literatura ...
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