نبذة مختصرة : Tuesday, December 18, 2001, 17:50 EST (5:50 PM EST) ; CDCHAN-00063-2001-12-18-ADV-N ; Many of those who were exposed to inhalational anthrax in the recent mail attacks are presently concluding their 60-day course of preventive antibiotic treatment. Some of these persons, especially those who may have been exposed to very high levels of anthrax spores, may wish to take additional precautions. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is providing two additional options beyond the 60-day antibiotic course, for those who may wish to pursue them: an extended course of antibiotics, and investigational post-exposure treatment with anthrax vaccine. ; HHS will make anthrax vaccine available to those who were exposed to inhalational anthrax, who have concluded their antibiotic treatment and who wish to receive the vaccine as an investigational product. The vaccine is being made available in this investigational mode, under an investigational new drug application (IND) at the option of the individual, in recognition of the limited nature of the data now available concerning inhalation anthrax treatment and the factors underlying development of the disease, as well as uncertainty concerning the extent of exposure to spores that some persons may have received in the recent anthrax incidents. The decision to use this vaccine is at the discretion of the individual, in consultation with his or her physician. ; Event Type: anthrax terrorism event ; Context: countermeasures/therapeutics ; Event Type: Man-made ; Agent Type: bacteria ; Specify Agent (Name): anthrax ; International: no ; Intentional/Unintentional: intentional ; Anthrax Bioterrorism Event, 2001 ; Bacteria ; Bacillus anthracis
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