نبذة مختصرة : Background: Obesity is the accumulation of excess fat due to an imbalance in energy intake (energy intake) with energy used (energy expenditure). Obesity and overweight are two different things, but both of them show the presence of excess fat accumulation in the body which is indicated by an increase in body mass index (BMI) above normal as measured using the formula of body weight (Kg) divided by height (m²). The incidence of obesity in Malahayati University students in 2019 with data on obese students as many as 60 (34%) from 175 students with research results there is a relationship between sleep patterns and junk food on the obesity level of Malahayati University students in Bandar Lampung.Purpose: Known factors related to obesity during the Covid-19 pandemic to the incidence of obesity in students at the Faculty of Medicine, Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung.Method: type of quantitative research with cross sectional approach design. The sampling technique used was the quota sampling technique. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Nursing Science Study Program who had a history of obesity with a total of 175 students at Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung. Measurement using a questionnaire and analyzing data using chi-square.Results: Of the chi square test show that the obesity factors that are significantly related and become a factor in the occurrence of obesity in students are the genetic factor of the student's father (p-value = 0.42; OR = 2.444); mother (p-value = 0.000; OR = 28,000); consumption of fast food (p-value = 0.000; OR = 21,500); physical activity (p-value = 0.000; OR = 2,032). Students who have obese parents have a higher risk of obesity, frequent fast food consumption and light physical activity factors are 3 times more likely to be at risk of obesity than students who do moderate physical activity.Conclusion: There is a relationship between genetic factors, diet and physical activity of students with the incidence of obesity in students. ...
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