نبذة مختصرة : A través dun estudo lonxitudinal a oito suxeitos, desde os tres aos dez anos de idade, analizamos a influencia dos diferentes axentes de socialización nos procesos de adquisición e uso do galego. Con este fin, realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas ás familias e docentes, así como probas de competencia ao propio alumnado. Isto permítenos realizar unha primeira valoración das consecuencias do Decreto do plurilingüismo (79/2010). Os resultados indican un claro retroceso no camiño da normalización lingüística, polo menos no contexto urbano analizado, cun predominio da competencia produtiva en castelán sobre o galego, especialmente na oralidade. Ademais, as crianzas pertencentes a familias galegofalantes acaban restrinxindo o uso do galego a este ámbito, mentres que os de familias castelanfalantes non introducen o galego no seu repertorio lingüístico, nin sequera nas materias impartidas nesta lingua. Polo tanto, non se acada un nivel de bilingüismo mínimo, nin a nivel de competencia nin de uso. ; Through a longitudinal study of eight individuals, from three to ten years old, we analyse the influence of the different agents of socialisation on the processes of acquisition and use of Galician. To this end, we conducted semistructured interviews with families and teachers, as well as proficiency tests on the students themselves. This allows us to carry out a first assessment of the consequences of the Multilingualism Decree (79/2010) in students of these ages. The results indicate a clear setback on the road to linguistic normalisation, at least in the urban context analysed, with a predominance of productive competence in Spanish over Galician, especially in orality. Moreover, the children belonging to Galician-speaking families end up restricting the use of Galician to this area, whereas those from Spanish-speaking families do not introduce Galician into their linguistic repertoire, not even in the subjects taught in this language. Therefore, a minimum level of bilingualism is not achieved, neither at the level of ...
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