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Mitochondrial DNA point mutations and relative copy number in 1363 disease and control human brains
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- المصدر:Wei , W , Keogh , M J , Wilson , I , Coxhead , J , Ryan , S , Rollinson , S , Griffin , H , Kurzawa-akanbi , M , Santibanez-koref , M , Talbot , K , Turner , M R , Mckenzie , C , Troakes , C , Attems , J , Smith , C , Al Sarraj , S , Morris , C M , Ansorge , O , Pickering-brown , S , Ironside , J W & Chinnery , P F 2017 , ' Mitochondrial DNA point mutations and relative copy ....
- نوع التسجيلة:article in journal/newspaper
- اللغة:English
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